Saturday, October 4, 2008

Stylish steps

Do you detest the thousands plastic bags that retailers shove in your direction each year? My poor husband cringes when I put fresh fruit and vegetables straight in the cart (we wash them before use anyway, do they really need their own bag?).

I was absolutely thrilled recently when a good friend left behind an Envirosax for me on a recent visit. I've seen lots of reusable bags, but this one was stylish as well.

These reusable shopping bags come in loads of different colors and prints. And they're waterproof, which is perfect for wet Caribbean summers. I end up taking mine everywhere.

What fun, stylish eco products have you seen? I'd love to hear about more...


Anonymous said...

Hello, this is Chloe from Envirosax.

Just wanted to say that we are very happy you like our bags so much.

If you would like more informaiton please do not hesitate to email me at chloeatenvirosaxdotcom or visit our website

Kind regards


Jenny said...

Thanks so much for stopping by Chloe. What a treat! We might just be placing another order with you the waterproof solid bags as well. Congratulations on a great product line!