While recently on vacation, we took a quick 2-day detour to meet with him, my mom (the interior design goddess), an upholsterer and a refinisher. Probably the most fun is looking for fabrics...my mom's favorite pastime. While I usually like fairly simple lines, I absolutely love texture and beautiful fabrics. In fact, I've been pining over the following image since we first considered building the house. The fabric manufacturer has remained a mystery. Probably a long shot, but any hints out there? For that matter, any good ideas on great fabric sites?
Swoon, swoon, swoon. While not for everybody, I love the delicate embroidery. Then again, I have no idea how it will ever hold up against Mr. Big's buddies and co-conspirators in trouble. I guess we have that discussion to look forward to... :)
Thank god you are back from vacation! I was going into blog-withdrawals!
Check out http://www.donghia.com/textiles/.
We bought four chairs and an ottoman from here, plus purchased fabric for all of the furniture we had custom made. It is all absolutely amazing.
Oh boy, you are sending me straight to the slaughter aren't you? I've been trying to find something before getting into that price range, but suspect that I'm going to end up there. Believe it or not, there is now a place here that carries their fabrics (progress...)
By the way, Douggie ABSOLUTELY LOVED your place. He can't stop talking about it! :) You're a legend among his staff.
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