Not only are they all natural and clean like the dickens, they smell so good. No, not like that manufacturered apple smell. Like a candle...while you are doing the dishes!
Case and point. On Monday night, Mr. Big and I made a big bowl of popping-hot spicy chili. Being lazy (shocker I know), I left the dirty pan in the sink to soak with some of her Geranium scented dish soap. This isn't going to be a good reflection on me, but three days later I finally dumped the water (and other stuff) out to clean the dish. It still smelled good! Like really good.
Another time, I had a tradesperson call me back two days after finishing our job. Want to get paid? Nope. Forgot something at the house? Nope. He wanted to know what type of hand soap we had by our sink because it smelled so good. A tradesman!
Check your grocery shelves for this good stuff. There is an entire line of household products worth taking for a whirl. Let me know what scents you like and what you think!
Can you get these on island??
Yep, and they are definitely worth the drive to Hurley's to pick some up. Next time you're out our way, you definitely should.
We need to catch up soon. Hope all is well!
Jenny - Thanks for the tip. After reading your review We where off to Fargo for the weekend and what a nice surprise to find it in the aisles at Target. A little dispointed that they didn't carry the geranium dish soap or the baby line. But pleasantly surprised with the Basil dish soap and Lavendar Hand soap. Thx again.
Hope you are well and give my best to Andy.
Take care,
Oh Penny! Thank you so much for leaving a little tidbit. I hope that you enjoy it. Please let me know!
I never know if anyone out there is reading this silly thing, so I'm so excited that someone does!
Hope all is great with you guys!
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