Copycatchic is a fun site for design "high/low" ideas. Reichel has tagged for a "reveal yourself" game going around the blogs. Here we go:
A: Attached or Single? Attached
B: Best Friend? Lots of lovely friends...why call one best?
C: Cake or Pie? Hands down my mother-in-law's pies. Mmmmm...
D: Day of Choice? So easy. Lazy Sundays
E: Essential Item? Mac...much to Mr. Big's frustration
F: Favorite Color? Come on...I can't commit. Soothing, soft, earthy colors. And the color of the sea. No wonder I can't get this house going...
G: Gummy Bears or Worms? Neither...used to love the strawberries
H: Hometown? Agoura, California
I: Indulgence? Shoes and Ben & Jerry's chocolate brownie frozen yogurt
J: January or July? Every month is July here...
K: Kids? Only the pup :)
L: Life isn't complete without? A friend to share your innermost thoughts with
M: Marriage date? 10.14.05
N: Number of brothers and sisters? Two amazing brothers
O: Oranges or apples? Christmas oranges!
P: Phobias and fears? Needles and shots...don't do well with blood tests at all
Q: Quote? Keep it simple.
R: Reason to smile? Unexpected phone calls from family and friends
S: Season of choice? Summer
T: Tag three people? Holy smokes...I'm not really out there on the blog circut. Not sure if they will participate, but it's worth a shot. Modernmama at Beach House is undergoing a fab modern renovation. Jared from Restovation is a talented builder renovating one of my grandfathers homes (odd I know...but sorta cool). And Teresa at Guamquilter whose house was going up at the same time as ours.
U: Unknown fact about me? My grandfather was one of the first modern home builders in the Midwest and participated on the popular NBC show Home in the 1950s. Cool article here. He visited in January to see the house and give the builders some razzing. He's coming back next month so they better get a move on!
V: Vegetable? Fresh cherry tomatoes
W: Worst habit? Leaving my cell phone at home, forgetting to charge my cell phone, not receiving messages on my cell phone...I'm fighting it the whole way
X: X-ray or Ultrasound? Neither thank you!
Y: Your favorite food? I am so non-committal. My mom's au gratin potatoes, her Christmas pull apart bread, magarita pizzas...yum carbs galore!
Z: Zodiac sign? Pisces
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