The mudroom will be grouted today. The wrong size tiles were shipped to us (these were supposed to be similar in size to the kitchen but in cream colors), but fortunately, the larger version is appealing. And just because I was thinking that I'm itching to take the house just a tad more modern, I decided not to offset these boys. (yes Friedemann, I'm sure that you are shaking your head "nooo...keep it simple". I just couldn't help myself!) Hopefully I can get some photos of a complete mudroom this weekend as well.
So after a lot of quiet days, everything has burst to completion very suddenly. Wooohooo!
Looks gorgeous!! You must be so happy to have it all nearing completion :)
Yes, yes, yes! Did you hear about the special lot? It's my favorite. I would love for someone I know to live there... :)
Heard about the lot...we'll have to come take a look :)
I like the "mistake" tiles! Lucky mistake.
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